1411 N 27th St.
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
Phone: 618-246-0033

Open weekends from the first full weekend in May through the last full weekend in October.



12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m.


1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


Docents are available for group tours most other days by appointment. 

Admission is free although donations are appreciated.

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.


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What is a “Chat Session”?

A chat session is an interactive discussion focused on a preselected topic related to the history of Jefferson County, Illinois.  It is very informal and open to everyone. 

The leader, usually our museum curator, Lucy Baker, starts each chat session with historical facts about the day’s topic.  You are encouraged to bring pictures or other memorabilia in addition to memories and folklore related to the topic of the day.

Why do we host chat sessions?  Several good reasons:

Chat sessions help the historical society to gain and maintain a view of our history from the perspective of its current residents. 

Attendees enjoy “remembering when” and enlightening the group about events, places, traditions, … from their lives.

New to the area?  This is a great opportunity to learn a little more about your new home.  Maybe share about how it was done where you came from.  And probably make a new friend or two.

Sessions are recorded and transcribed for review and preservation of local history.

When and where?

"Chat Sessions" are held in the Schweinfurth Museum starting at 1 pm on the third Tuesday of each month from September through May.  There is sometimes no session in December.

What is the cost?

Your cost is limited to an hour or so of your time.  Light refreshments are an added value!

Scheduled Topics:

January 21st Chat Session - 1:00 pm. The topic will be “Businesses of Jefferson County; past, present, and future”.

February 18th Chat Session - 1:00 pm. The topic will be “Changes you have seen in your lifetime”.