Why Volunteer?
“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Volunteering is your chance to make a difference, to give back, to help others and yourself in the process. Here at JCHS, you will make new friendships, and you will broaden your cultural and intellectual horizons.
You will find endless ways to be creative, study, learn, and grow. These are all critical parts of the last 7 of the top ten things studies show people should do with their non-working hours and retirement years.
So what are the top ten?
Well, you should know the top three are:
Eating, drinking, and being merry!
The first two are necessary for the continuation of life. In today’s society, they occupy far too much of many people's time and interest, in many cases to the point of overindulgence, addiction, and health degeneration.
#3 on the list, being merry, translated happiness, is a state of mind, and as Abraham Lincoln nicely put it:
“Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be”
When you decide you need an attitude adjustment, experts say you should:
• • focus on what you can do rather than what you can not do – JCHS has something for everybody, from routine, don’t have to think too much, to more challenging tasks like new display conception, new program development, strategic planning, grant writing, promotion of our brand to state and national recognition, ….
• • focus on anything to avoid the mostly negative mainstream media – get involved in doing what you love and do best for the benefit of the organization, and you will wonder why you ever wasted so much time on “entertainment”
• • focus on ways to make things better, especially working with others who care – that is what we do best. That is what has kept us going and growing for 76 years! There are always ways to improve and grow. New eyes often open new views of what we could do better, new things we should be doing, and new and growing friendships develop as we work together to see them through.
Now, back to eating – #1 on the top ten things to do with your leisure time. Eating is also something we do quite well here at the village. Most of our events scheduled for public education and enjoyment include food, from light snacks to full sit-down dinners. You can read more about coming attractions here.
Yes, it is all right here at the Jefferson County Historical Society, Village, and Museum!
So what do you have to lose?
Boredom, loneliness, wasted time!
Stop by for a weekend tour, drop in for a Saturday Morning Coffee or a Chat Session, or just download the membership form and join. We'll be happy to help you find your niche!