Wishing You a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous 2022
The Model Trains, Snow Villages, Nativity Sets, and other Christmas decorations are being removed from the Schweinfurth Museum to make way for the new displays and programs scheduled for 2022. We welcomed 647 visitors during four days open for public enjoyment. Donations totaled $700 and 110 jars of jams and jellies were sold. Thank you for your support and we hope you enjoyed your visit.
The Food, Clothing, and Shelter display from 2018 has also been taken down and returned to storage. A military exhibit highlighting people from Jefferson County throughout the years is being planned for next year.
The Quarterly Meeting normally scheduled in December was postponed until next January to accomodate the trains and things.
If you have ever thought about getting involved in the volunteer work at the village, 2022 will be a great time to get started. There is always stuff to do and friendly people there will be happy for your help and friendship. Call the office for the best time to find people at work. You do not have to be a member to get involved.